Looking to grow your team? We can help!

The Matix Group works exclusively in the environmental services and engineering industries. Most of the candidates we engage with are employed elsewhere and not actively looking - this is how we can be a significant asset. We identify top talent, thoroughly examine their work history and a myriad of professional and personal criteria, from awards and accolades to passions and ambitions. We assist your candidates in resignation and in the on-boarding processes. Moreover, we provide follow-up after the start date to ensure a smooth transition for you and your newly hired teammates.

We become your champions — highlighting the opportunities and benefits associated with your company. We ensure that the caliber and career objectives of the professionals we present will meet your expectations. We also evaluate if your company culture will be a good fit for the potential new team member as well. A company culture match is often as important as the skills one brings to the “office.”

At all times we have a pipeline of individuals we have kept an open relationship with, who would be interested in hearing about new opportunities should they fit their desired specifications. Our confidential database has nearly 10,000 candidates in California alone which gives us an enormous “running start” in launching a search, as we are able to sift quickly through candidates who, while attractive based on their resume alone, are simply not the caliber of candidate sought by our clients. Our services can fill your empty seat faster than traditional methods, as well as allow you to allocate your resources on the projects you need to focus on. 

We would be happy to partner with you on your search. Reach out to discuss our different agreement options and discover what fits best for you and your company.

What roles do you currently have open?

(360) 820-0879